tailored approach
The legal services market has become convoluted and inaccessible to the average person; Bata Law seeks to provide you with services contoured to your needs so that you can solve your legal problems while avoiding excess stress and delay.
Bata Law draws on experience in financial, regulatory, criminal, and civil law to consider your concerns from a variety of angles and ensure that your problem is adequately resolved while minimizing the need for future legal intervention.
Get a free consultation with a California-licensed attorney.
flexible billing structures
While hourly billing remains the norm in today’s legal market, Bata Law recognizes that varying client needs require a more flexible approach and will work with you to come up with a billing structure that makes sense for your situation.
Contact Bata Law
Bata Law
Lake Merritt Plaza
1999 Harrison St.
Suite 1800
Oakland, CA 94612
Nothing on this site constitutes legal advice or creates an attorney-client relationship. if you need legal services make sure to speak to a licensed lawyer and obtain an explicit representation agreement as soon as possible to preserve your legal rights.
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